Have you seen the new GO GREEN US postal stamps?  I think they’re great and I love using them!  They’re a gentle reminder to myself and the recipient that we should “reduce our environmental footprint.”  I know what you’re going to say, “If you’re trying to reduce your environmental footprint, why are you sending mail instead of e-mail?”  Well, because there are some things that you just can’t e-mail.

Just a few days ago, we ran out of plastic bags to line our kitchen garbage can.  There’s only 2 of us, so we have a small kitchen garbage can.  A good size to use with regular shopping bags that I reuse after bringing a purchased item home.  Well, I’ve stopped taking home plastic bags because I’ll either hold what I bought in my hand or, if I know I’m going shopping, I’ll bring my cotton reusable bags.  I was actually happy when I opened the kitchen drawer to find us short on plastic bags!

Most of the furniture in our loft is bought from craigslist.org.  Luckily for me, J is a craigslist gangsta and finds great deals on designer furniture.  Yeup, my man is the home decorator since he has a better eye and taste for these things.  Our steelcase desks, credenza, couch, arm chair, desk chairs, patio chairs, bookshelves, file cabinet, coffee table, etc., all bought through craigslist!  Talk about reusing!  We also like to check out flea markets, garage sales, and vintage shops for smaller items too.  Lately, most of the clothing we have bought are vintage.  Some are even unused vintage!  I bought a few of my last pieces of clothing, including a BCBG shirt dress, a short red jacket, and Burberry shoes, from Wasteland where they have recent styles and their items are very gently used.

I don’t even have a car, and that’s rare to say for someone living in LA.  Sure, it gets difficult to get around sometimes, but for the most part, I like that I can walk to work, walk to local stores, take the Metro to Hollywood and K-town, etc.

What do you do to reduce your footprint???